Hello people... 
I discovered something new today. All these years I've been doing that but only today I found it. People who travel are of different types, some people listen to music, some play games, some talk with stangers and become friends before the journey ends, some sleep, some just enjoy the nature. I fall under the last category. Yeah.... I love to peep through the window and see the nature. It actually rejuvenates me a lot. We have different perspectives and interpretations on the nature. A green bush doesn't look the same for you as it was for me. 
Let me share my discovery with you. When we try to see out through the window and the window glass is dirty or blur, we actually don't clean the window and look at the nature. Yeah, it actually cause a sort of discomfort in the beginning but later we accept it and ignore it in order to see that beautiful scenery behind it. 
But when it comes to people, why do we try to clean or wipe the dirt, that is, the flaw that the person have? Why are we so hesitant to ignore it and see their inner beauty? When the train is new, the window glass is clean and clear but later it becomes unclean and unclear due to the exposure to sun, rain, snow, pollution and so on. When the glass is over-cleaned, it becomes scratched and blur, and loses its originality. This happens to people too, when they are new to the world, they are flawless and good but when exposed to betrayal, sorrow, suffering, pain, disappointment,etc they become flawed. Who is flawless? You? Me? Everyone is blemished in the way we talk, the way we see, the way we think, the way we behave, the way we express and the list goes on. 
On the other hand, the nature is that beautiful, that's why it attracts our eyes in spite of hiding itself behind a dirty glass window . Its not always about the other person, it all starts with us. 

Pic 1 ( when the focus is on window) 
Pic 2 ( when the focus is on nature) 

           Let your BEAUTY attract others 
                        than your FLAW. 
                                                - Gladys Felcia


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