Hello people...
How many of you like to observe the sky? There is a huge difference between watching and observing. There are some people who are really so obsessed with the sky. I'm basically a Astrophile (a person who loves sky). The sky have some elements such as stars, clouds, rainbow, snow, sun, moon, thunder, lightning, etc. I usually prefer to observe the sky during late evenings or night. 
In my childhood days I thought that the earth is revolving so fast while I look at the sky and then I understood that the clouds are moving. That was a "My childhood was a lie" Moment. Since from the age of 12, I have the habit of going to my terrace and observing the sky, preferably during night (between 7pm-10pm). Just observing the patterns of stars, shapes and movement of clouds, the colour of the sky, makes me so happy. Everyday at least for 1 hour I will go to my terrace and observe them. Yesterday while I was observing the clouds, it gave me a different feel which I haven't felt all these years. It made me feel how uncertain our life is. The shape and place of the cloud keeps changing but still it remain beautiful. We don't see the same shape of the cloud which we saw an hour ago, it keeps changing every minute. Also the place where it was now will not be the same after 10 minutes. I don't know where these clouds are going but I haven't seen the same cloud again. When I compared my life with the cloud I felt how uncertain our life is. Just like clouds, we keep changing. Without knowing our destination, we are going. There is no specific pattern by which we live. The shape and color of the cloud varies from place to place, season to season just like us changing ourselves for the people around us. Clouds doesn't stay in a same place for a long period of time, it keeps moving. Have you ever seen clouds moving backwards? This is another thing I'm learning from the clouds while I'm writing this blog. There is a famous idiom called "passing cloud" which is usually used in a negative manner. 
Even though they don't remain so long or have definite shape or definite color or definite volume, yet they remain so beautiful. We are all passing clouds in other's life. There is a point of time when we have to leave them, it applies for them too. So let's give them happiness till we disappear or pass away from their life. The cloud pours down when it is heavy but we are so hesitant to pour where we feel heavy and we pour it an unwanted place which later cause flood. When the cloud is heavy, it doesn't move fast. Only after it pours it will be back to its form. So let's learn these things from the clouds. Just be beautiful as a cloud. 

              Beauty lies in uncertainty. 
                                              - Gladys Felcia


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